SUBUH:Orang yang pertama mengerjakan sembahyang Subuh ialah Nabi Adam a.s., iaitu tatkala baginda keluar dari syurga lalu dihantar ke bumi. Perkara pertama yang dilihatnya ialah kegelapan Dan baginda berasa takut yang amat sangat. Apabila fajar Subuh telah keluar Nabi Adam a.s. Pun bersembahyang dua rakaat.
Rakaat pertama:- Bersyukur baginda kerana terlepas dari kegelapan malam.
Rakaat kedua:- Bersyukur baginda kerana siang telah menjelma.
ZOHOR:Orang yang pertama mengerjakan sembahyang Zohor ialah Nabi Ibrahim a.s.,iaitu tatkala Allah s.w.t. Telah memerintahkan padanya agar menyembelih anaknya Nabi Ismail a.s. Sedang seruan itu datangnya pada waktu tergelincir matahari, lalu sujudlah Nabi Ibrahim empat rakaat.
Rakaat pertama:- Bersyukur bagi penebusan.
Rakaat kedua:- Bersyukur kerana dibukakan dukacitanya Dan juga anaknya.
Rakaat ketiga:- Bersyukur Dan bermohon akan keredhaan Allah.
Rakaat keempat:- Bersyukur kerana korbannya digantikan dengan tebusan kibas.
ASAR:Orang yang pertama mengerjakan sembahyang Asar ialah Nabi Yunus a.s.,tatkala baginda dikeluarkan oleh Allah dari perut ikan nun. Ikan nun telah memuntahkan Nabi Yunus di tepi pantai sedang ketika itu telah masuk waktu Asar. Maka bersyukurlah Nabi Yunus lalu bersembahyang empat rakaat kerana baginda telah diselamatkan oleh Allah daripada 4 kegelapan iaitu:
Rakaat pertama:- Kelam dengan kesalahan.
Rakaat kedua:- Kelam dengan air laut.
Rakaat ketiga:- Kelam dengan malam.
Rakaat keempat:- Kelam dengan perut ikan Nun.
MAGHRIB:Orang yang pertama mengerjakan sembahyang Maghrib ialah Nabi Isa a.s.,tatkala baginda dikeluarkan oleh Allah dari kejahilan Dan kebodohan kaumnya, sedang waktu itu telah terbenamnya matahari. Bersyukurlah Nabi Isa lalu bersembahyang tiga rakaat kerana diselamatkan dari kejahilan tersebut, iaitu:
Rakaat pertama:- Untuk menafikan ketuhanan selain daripada Allah yang Maha Esa.
Rakaat kedua:- Untuk menafikan tuduhan Dan juga tohmahan ke atas ibunya Siti Mariam yang telah dituduh melakukan perbuatan sumbang.
Rakaat ketiga:- Untuk meyakinkan kaumnya bahawa Tuhan itu hanya satu iaitu Allah jua, tiada dua atau tiga.
ISYAK:Orang yang pertama mengerjakan sembahyang Isyak ialah Nabi Musa a.s. Pada ketika itu Nabi Musa telah tersesat mencari jalan keluar dari negeri Madyan, sedang dalam dadanya penuh dengan perasaan dukacita. Allah lalu menghilangkan semua perasaan dukacitanya itu pada waktu Isyak yang akhir.Lalu sembahyanglah Nabi Musa empat rakaat sebagai tanda bersyukur.
Rakaat pertama:- Dukacita terhadap isterinya.
Rakaat kedua:- Dukacita terhadap saudaranya Nabi Harun.
Rakaat ketiga:- Dukacita terhadap Firaun.
Rakaat keempat:- Dukacita terhadap anak Firaun.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Kinds 0f Fasting
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
No doubt that Muslims are urged to strive hard in getting close to Allah with all forms of acts of worship; they should take that as a top priority. However, they are instructed that whatever they do, they should not deviate from the teachings and principles set by the noble Prophet, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He has set for us a shinning model that we should follow in order to keep firm on the right path. Therefore it’s very important for a committed Muslim to make sure that his acts of worship have basis both in the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
In this regard, the prominent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al- Qaradawi states:
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was keen on fasting in the month of Sha`ban more than he was in other months. `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) never fasted for a whole month except in Ramadan. This refutes what some people do; observing fast for three consecutive months: Rajab, Sha`ban and Ramadan, followed by six days of Shawwal . That is, they start fasting at the beginning of Rajab until the seventh of Shawwal, leaving nothing but the Day of `Eidul-Fitr. Neither the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) nor his Companions or even their successors were reported to have done so.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to fast some days of every month. `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sometimes would observe fasting continuously, to the extent that his Companions thought he would never break fast, and in other times he would refrain from fasting to the extent that they thought he would never fast again.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) usually observed fasting on Mondays and Thursdays and three days of each month (the 13th , 14th and 15th). He sometimes used to fast every alternate day, following the pattern of Prophet Dawud (peace be upon him). He even made this clear: “The best way of fasting in Allah’s sight is that of Dawud, who used to observe fasting every alternate day.”
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to observe fasting in Sha`ban more than he did in other months. This was a kind of self-preparation for the coming of Ramadan; that is, to act as some sort of girding oneself for Ramadan. But there are no textual evidence that there are specific days in Sha`ban in which fasting is commendable. It is, by and large, impermissible for one to prefer certain days to observe voluntary fasting or certain nights to perform Night Prayers, lacking any juristic basis for that action. Religious acts are not left for man’s whims. Rather, they are subject to Divine legislation. Thus, specifying certain times and places for worship and the description of different acts of worship are the matters of the Divine, not that of human.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Si Kerinting
Hazen Darwish Fakhzan...e2la namo sebenar Si Kerinting.hehehehe.Gelaran tuh dibui oleh bakal "AyahNgah" dio.Last 2 week,dia maghri KL.Darwish tuh mengikut TokAyah+Ain nya las.Dio tuh memey manjo las nge demotuh.Sokmo nop mengikut.Suka travelling tuh budok tuh.Kecik2 sudah menunjukkan minat suka berjalan2.Agak2nya,mengikut sapo las yea.hehehe.Yang peliknya,dia langsung dop menangis walaupon dio berjauhan dgn parents dia di Terengganu nuh.Dio nis dop pernah maghri KL.Selepas enter masuk KL,apo lagi.Bermacam2 soalan diiutarakan olehnyo.Why,when,what,who,how sumo lengkap las.huhuhu.Jenuh la 'Ain' dio nop menjawabnyo.Tido setakat 10 minit jah dale keto.Isk2.Dop reti duduk diam.Dop reti penat budok nis.Kito kelih pom penat.Apobilo sampai jah di Kajang,dio sungguh excited yang teramat.huhuhu.Mau ketemu sama Moyang2 nya.Yang paling kelakarnyo kam,suko2 hati dio jah bui namo ko moyang2 dio.Moyang Lelaki dio g panggil "Onyang Boy" manakala Moyang Pompuan dio g panggil "Onyang Girl".hahahahahaha.Lawok dis.Maso dio sampai tuh,kawe masih di opis.Lepas maghrib br sumer2 maghri umah kawe di USJ 1.Umoh PakTeh las sbnrnyo.Kalu Darwish sure keno panggil TokTeh las.Sesampai jah dio di USJ 1,dio kelih kawe.huhuhu.Tersengeh2...trus 'BigHug' kawe las.Si Kerinting ni memey manjo nge kawe.Walaupun kawe jarang g kelis dio,tp dio tetap manjo nge kawe.huhuhu.CikNgah sayang kamu!!Selepas salam2 nge sumer,dio pom g main las.Memandangkan m0nster2 punya toys punya la banyak,apa lagi....excited tahap mega la si kerinting nis.Mula2 malu2 lepah napok toys punya banyak,malu trus ile las.Punya la leka duk main,sampai dio dopsey kelik.Katanya mau ikut CikNgah g keja.hahaha.Dop jadi buak kijo las kalu dio ado gak.Kawe pom pujuk las dio yg nati kawe akan bawok dio g jalan2.Tp pah kawe abis kijo las.Si kerinting kam duduk atas riba kawe,huhuhu apa lagi...monster2 kecik hok laim mulai jeles.Sume mau duduk atas riba kawe jugop.Waduh2...berebut ni.Last2 kawe bwk Darwish main keto mainan kat luar.
Keesokan harinyo,kawe and family kawe g makan malam kat Kelana Jaya.huhuhu.Ramai sungguh peminat si kerinting.Hari ni saja dia sudah dapat 4 belon.Siap ado hok ambik gamba dio buat kenangan.Gumbira sunggu dio tuh.Tp lawok las.Kawe sajo2 jah usik2 gigi dio.Begini dialognya.
CikNgah: Awish punya gigi ni macam dinasour la.Tajam2.
(maso ni dio duk kat kawe)
Darwish: Memang la tajam macam dinasour,CikNgah.(sambil menunjukkan giginya yg tajam belah depan itu kat CikNgah)
CikNgah: hahaha....Awish gigi dinasour
(tiba2....dengan muka selamba dio tuh,dio g kekoh kawe.Apo lagi menjerit la kawe.Mujur las dio ni budok lagi.Kalu dop kawe kekoh dio smula)
Dawish: Tajam tak CikNgah,Awish gigit tadi?
CikNgah: Sabar2...(kawe terus kelih bahu kawe yg digigitnya.Sudah nampak kesan giginya itu.Sure akan bertukar kaler jadi biru nis.)
Darwish: Hahahahaha...CikNgah kena gigit.(dia trus lari menyelamatkan diri dia dengan rasa tidak bersalah)
CikNgah: Takpe2...siapla nanti...
Tibo time dio keno kelik terengganu,dio dopsey kelik.Uwaaaaaa menjerit2 tak mau tinggalkan CikNgah dio."CikNgah2 jangan tinggal Awish",katanya.Kawe nis dop leh tgk dio gitu,sebak sero dihati nis.Satu kampung bulis dengar suara dio menjerit.Isk2....tapi apakan daya,2 hari bersama2 CikNgah supo dop cukup jah.Takpe2...nanti CikNgah bawok kamu jalan2 lagi yea.Kita g pusing2 KL ngan "AyahNgah".hehehehe.....InsyAllah...Dop gitu "AyahNgah"?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Kaunseling vs Kaunsel0r
Hohoho...seperti biasa....kawe rini menjalankan tugas..walaupon ada M besar diatas kapla,amanah tetap kawe tunaikan.Skemas sunggus ayatku ini.Sebenarnyo 'si Jijah' ado di opis rini.Hahahaha.Sabit tuh las keno settle kam kijo awal2.Metar lagi wojik keno mengadap.Busan sunggus las.Kawe ado cito sebenarnyo nis.Supo skalo las kam.Kawe ni menjadi kaunsel0r part time.Ado las saim kawe nis.Tibo2 dio called.Kedengarannyo dio tgh menangis.Waduh2.Bangat begini.Gapo las sudah jadi duhai sahabatku.Ser02 wakpo dio teriok?Ini sudah tentu pasal CINTA.Kawe doplas terrer sgt pasal CINTA2 nis.Setakat jd pendengar+bui advice bulis las.Hok laim2 terpulang las kat empunya diri.Al-kisah beginilas ceritanya..hohoho supo wok long dale waye kulit pul0k kawe ser0.
Saim kawe ni buleh tahan la jugop kelawaannya.Memey ghamai las gewe2 dio.Dio ado seore best fren(laki tapinyo).Best fren dio nis mmg bkenan las kat dio.Demo2 nis sudah bersaim 7 tahun.Tapi saim kawe nis dop leh accept lelaki nis.Kawe pon dop sure la wakpo kam.Laki ni buat macam2 untuk menawan hati saimku ini.Apa saja untukmu las kironya kam.Laki ni menunggu 'sayang' daripada saimku in TETAPI saimku in just ignore him.Siam jugop la kat laki tuh kawe sero.Dipendekkan cerita..hehehehe..lelaki ni pom membawa hati yg lara meninggalkan saimku ini setelah CINTAnya ditolak berkali2 dari saimku las.Supo drama air mato las weh.Cerekalara.hahaha.Kembali kito kepada skrip asal yea.Tibo2 saimku ini bulis phone call dr lelaki itu.Setelah 2 thn menghilangkan diri dr saimku akhirnya dia muncul smula.Saimku mmg terkujut ayam+cicak.Lelaki itu mahu berjumpa dengannyo.Setelah abis opis hour,saimku pum g la bjumpa btentang mata dgn mamat tuh.Jauh disudut hatinya...dia sangat merindui lelaki itu.Waduh2...kaget2...barulah dia menyedari yang sebenarnya dia menyayangi lelaki itu.Dia berasa amat menyesal+kesal+kesal+regreat sebab reject lelaki itu dr life dio dulu.Tetapi,semuanya sudah terlambat....lelaki itu sudah pun berkahwin dengan wanita lain dan dia dikurniakan dgn seorang anak pompuan.Saimku masih menyimpan perasaan didalam hatinya.Lepas abis pertemuan itu,saimku kelu tidak terkata.Ap0 laie,kawe la menjadi tempat dia mengadu...kawe kam kaunsel0r part time.hahaha.Payoh jugop weh nop handle,dio teriok sungguh2 dale phone.Kawe dohla dikelilingi oleh m0nster2.Kawe pon comfortkan dio.Bui las advice2 yg patut.Sepanjang hari weh dio menangis..isk2...kawe sungguh simpati nge dio las.Tp kawe doples buat gap02 sb lelaki itu SUAMI orang.Tak bagus kacau kebahagiaan rumahtangga org.D0sa beb.Kawe bui la nasihat2 ko dio.Antaranya...
#1 Cintailah insan yang menyintai kamu walaupon terdapat kekurangan didalam dirinya.
#2 Kalau sudah jumpa yang 'BAIK2',jangan dilepaskan...sebab peluang untuk berjumpa/ketemu dengan species yang sudah semakin pupus ini mungkin tiada lagi.Pilihlah PERMATA,jangan las duk nampok hok KACA.
#3 Cubalah untuk setia dan berlaku jujur dengan pasangan kamu(walaup0n benda ni susah kan).Sebab nanti kalu sudah jadi suami isteri kan senang.
#4 Kita takkan dapat pasangan yg perfect.Nak yg '5K' ke '10K' ke apa 'K' ke kan.Sebab Allah Taala menjadikan setiap pasangan didunia ini dengan saling lengkap melengkapi diantara satu sama lain.
#5 Sudah2la pasang ramai2 gewe.Sebab akhirnya tiada kesudahan.Tiada penghujungnya.
#6 Jangan la libatkan diri dengan SUAMI orang.Bahaya beb.Dop m0lek kacau rumahtangga ore.
Pahtu banyok lagi hok kawe bui ghoyak ko dio.Tapi dop tau las dio nop denga ko dop kam.Kawe just menyampaikan kepada dio,kalu dio nop listen & follow,ALHAMDULILAH las.Mug02 ALLAH Taala memberikan Hidayah & Taufik kepadanya...InsyAllah.....
So,m0ral of the st0ry????hehehehe...sendiri mau pikir las...
Saim kawe ni buleh tahan la jugop kelawaannya.Memey ghamai las gewe2 dio.Dio ado seore best fren(laki tapinyo).Best fren dio nis mmg bkenan las kat dio.Demo2 nis sudah bersaim 7 tahun.Tapi saim kawe nis dop leh accept lelaki nis.Kawe pon dop sure la wakpo kam.Laki ni buat macam2 untuk menawan hati saimku ini.Apa saja untukmu las kironya kam.Laki ni menunggu 'sayang' daripada saimku in TETAPI saimku in just ignore him.Siam jugop la kat laki tuh kawe sero.Dipendekkan cerita..hehehehe..lelaki ni pom membawa hati yg lara meninggalkan saimku ini setelah CINTAnya ditolak berkali2 dari saimku las.Supo drama air mato las weh.Cerekalara.hahaha.Kembali kito kepada skrip asal yea.Tibo2 saimku ini bulis phone call dr lelaki itu.Setelah 2 thn menghilangkan diri dr saimku akhirnya dia muncul smula.Saimku mmg terkujut ayam+cicak.Lelaki itu mahu berjumpa dengannyo.Setelah abis opis hour,saimku pum g la bjumpa btentang mata dgn mamat tuh.Jauh disudut hatinya...dia sangat merindui lelaki itu.Waduh2...kaget2...barulah dia menyedari yang sebenarnya dia menyayangi lelaki itu.Dia berasa amat menyesal+kesal+kesal+regreat sebab reject lelaki itu dr life dio dulu.Tetapi,semuanya sudah terlambat....lelaki itu sudah pun berkahwin dengan wanita lain dan dia dikurniakan dgn seorang anak pompuan.Saimku masih menyimpan perasaan didalam hatinya.Lepas abis pertemuan itu,saimku kelu tidak terkata.Ap0 laie,kawe la menjadi tempat dia mengadu...kawe kam kaunsel0r part time.hahaha.Payoh jugop weh nop handle,dio teriok sungguh2 dale phone.Kawe dohla dikelilingi oleh m0nster2.Kawe pon comfortkan dio.Bui las advice2 yg patut.Sepanjang hari weh dio menangis..isk2...kawe sungguh simpati nge dio las.Tp kawe doples buat gap02 sb lelaki itu SUAMI orang.Tak bagus kacau kebahagiaan rumahtangga org.D0sa beb.Kawe bui la nasihat2 ko dio.Antaranya...
#1 Cintailah insan yang menyintai kamu walaupon terdapat kekurangan didalam dirinya.
#2 Kalau sudah jumpa yang 'BAIK2',jangan dilepaskan...sebab peluang untuk berjumpa/ketemu dengan species yang sudah semakin pupus ini mungkin tiada lagi.Pilihlah PERMATA,jangan las duk nampok hok KACA.
#3 Cubalah untuk setia dan berlaku jujur dengan pasangan kamu(walaup0n benda ni susah kan).Sebab nanti kalu sudah jadi suami isteri kan senang.
#4 Kita takkan dapat pasangan yg perfect.Nak yg '5K' ke '10K' ke apa 'K' ke kan.Sebab Allah Taala menjadikan setiap pasangan didunia ini dengan saling lengkap melengkapi diantara satu sama lain.
#5 Sudah2la pasang ramai2 gewe.Sebab akhirnya tiada kesudahan.Tiada penghujungnya.
#6 Jangan la libatkan diri dengan SUAMI orang.Bahaya beb.Dop m0lek kacau rumahtangga ore.
Pahtu banyok lagi hok kawe bui ghoyak ko dio.Tapi dop tau las dio nop denga ko dop kam.Kawe just menyampaikan kepada dio,kalu dio nop listen & follow,ALHAMDULILAH las.Mug02 ALLAH Taala memberikan Hidayah & Taufik kepadanya...InsyAllah.....
So,m0ral of the st0ry????hehehehe...sendiri mau pikir las...
Hmmmm…kawe sero supo doh lamo las dop tulis sinih.Last week kawe g KLIA.Release tensen metar disana.Kawe tensen sbnrnyo.Stress+Strain=Deflection.G teropong2 aircraft yg ado.Tp apakan daya,kawe dop dopless possing supo jame dulu2.Possing dkt2..Kawe suko kelih aircraft.1 day I gonna have it one.hehehehe.Kawe berangan las.Tibo2 kawe teringat maso kijo nge private dulu.Sunggus mencabar las.Kerja yg dikelilingi oleh lelaki.Doh namo pom bidang lelaki.Hahaha..sero glamer pom ado jugop.Sumo ore kenal.wakakaka..kijo start dr siang ke siang.isk2..pressure tahap dewa 9.Kawe sejok kecik2 memey minat kelih gonih.Mmg superb las.Mencabar minda+fizikal.Sokmo2 kalu kawe and the team g outstation kam,wojik ore2 ingat kawe nis anok boh.hahahaha.Dio dop tahu,kawe ni pekerja jah.Its not easy to be what im today.Got to faced a lot of challenges.So hard men!!Tp apo2 pum kawe memey happy+enjoy las kijo dale bidang nis.Walaupon kulit kawe hok putis ni btukar kaler jd ite,kawe tetap tabah.hahahaha.Mujur dop btuka nge ore hindu.Miss my old job.....Tp yang mmg best,kawe sudah khatam itu Runway KLIA.Yiehaaaaa....14R_32L and 14L_32R...Roger2...mission success...Semua International Airp0rt sudah kawe conquer...D0mestic Airport pon sama.Cuma ST0L airport aje yg dop lagik.e2 hop pedalaman las di sabah &sarawak .Kalu kawe imbas kembali,mace2 kenangan ad0.Kawe pernah tid0 di runway Sibu...sabit kam terlalu penat.Tu pum relay nge saim2.Mano dop penatnyo,pagi2 buto keno wak kijo doh.Pahtu tunggu airfield tu clear dari aircraft2.Kalu tiba waktu tengahari lagi las,peh terbakar kulit nis.Otak pum mengeleggak kepanasan.Huhuhuhu...Tapak kaki panas,kepala lagi la panas.Supo keno bakar dale microwave las.isk2.Bayangkan la macam mana kalau matahari berada sejengkal dengan kita.Isk2...Cair2...Insaf2....Pahtu sambung pulok kijo tgh male.Runway closure sokmo2 kul 2300.Huhuhu berembun las kawe sampai kul 0500.Itula yang dinamakan Mencari Rezeki Yang Halal.Bukan senang mau cari pitis.Kawe pernah stay kat Sabah&Sarawak sebulan.Trans Borneo weh.Sero nop kelik jah time tuh sb 'Budu' takdop.hehehehehe.Tapi memey besh las....
To my Uncle Frank+Uncle Kars+Uncle Bent Lund+Uncle Jen Winterscove+Uncle Per Ullidtz + blablabla (hehehehehe),thanks a lot f0r your knowledges.Appreciate it s0 much.H0pe to see you guys again.Maybe playing g0lf at the runway perhaps...or at least at the taxiway...huhuhu..Caiy0k2!!!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I dunno how to express this feeling but deep in my heart i dont really like this.Peoples around me are influencing my brain.I dont want to think about this.But these things are keep moving and moving and moving inside my head.Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....wo he ni.
I have to do something.I have to get rid all of these .Ease it from my head.Im so confused
but I have to be caution with this.I have to be strong.No matter what is happening,Allah SWT is always with me.I keep my faith with Him.InsyAllah........
Hate each time i have to face this.And i always have to face it by myself.All by myself.....
Friday, July 17, 2009
Part Two: A Gathering in Heavens
In this part, we look at the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad's meeting with other Prophets during the journey of ascension. In doing so, we will try to extract some lessons and values that can guide through this life. We will start where we left off in the first part.
Anas ibn Malik's narration of the story of ascension continues.
Anas ibn Malik's narration of the story of ascension continues.
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said,
"I prayed two rak`ahs in it [i.e. Al-Aqsa Mosque] and then went out, and Jibreel brought me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk. I chose the milk, and Jibreel said, 'You have chosen the natural thing.'" (Muslim)
Milk represents Allah's creation that is intact. On the other hand, wine is an example of human interference in the creation of Allah. It is produced by fermenting the juice of grapes and thus requires human interference. In many cases, such interference can spoil what Allah has created.
The Prophet's choice emphasizes that fitrah or pure nature of what Allah has created is one foundation for the Muslim Ummah. One must search for this pure nature within oneself.
Almighty Allah says,
[Glory be to Him Who took His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless, in order that We might show him some of Our signs; surely, He, only He, is the Hearer, the Seer [of all things]. We gave Musa (Moses) the Book and made it a guidance to the Children of Israel, commanding, "Take no guardian beside Me." [They were] the offspring of those whom We bore with Nuh (Noah); surely he was a grateful servant.] (Al-Israa' 17:1–3)
These verses talk about three generations in a descending chronological order: the generation of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), that of Prophet Musa (Moses) (peace be upon him), and that of Prophet Nuh (Noah) (peace be upon him). All three generations have a common bond: love for Almighty Allah, belief in the same message, and endeavor to achieve the same goal.
Also, it is worth mentioning that Prophet Muhammad passed by three important sites during his Night Journey: Mount At-Tur in Sinai, which witnessed a number of events mentioned in the story of Prophet Musa (Moses) and the Children of Israel; the city of Bethlehem where Prophet Jesus was born; and the road between modern-day Palestine and Makkah, which was trod by Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham) and Isma`il (Ishmael) in their way to the place where they built the Ka`bah.
Prophet Muhammad started his journey of ascension from Al-Mi`raj Rock. In company with Angel Jibreel, he reached the seventh heaven within seconds. Today, a spacecraft traveling at a speed of 7,000 KPH takes three years to reach the nearest planet.
In a hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari, Prophet Muhammad said,
"Then he [Jibreel] took my hand and ascended with me to the nearest heaven. When I reached the nearest heaven, Jibreel said to the gatekeeper of the heaven, 'Open [the gate].' The gatekeeper asked, 'Who is it?' Jibreel answered, 'Jibreel.' He asked, 'Is there anyone with you?' Jibreel replied, 'Yes, Muhammad is with me.' He asked, 'Has he been sent for?' Jibreel said, 'Yes.' So, the gate was opened and we went over to the nearest heaven, and there we saw a man sitting with some people on his right and some on his left. When he looked toward his right, he laughed, and when he looked toward his left, he wept. Then he said, 'Welcome! O pious Prophet and pious son.' I asked Jibreel, 'Who is he?' He replied, 'He is Adam, and the people on his right and left are the souls of his offspring. Those on his right are the people of Paradise, and those on his left are the people of Hellfire; when he looks toward his right, he laughs, and when he looks toward his left, he weeps.'"
Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) is the father of humanity. This confirms the idea of unity of humans everywhere. Anyone can easily notice the recurrent emphasis on this notion throughout the journey of Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj.
Now, why is Prophet Adam laughing and crying? He is happy with those who learned from his experience and, at the same time, sad for those who did not. As we already know, his experience with Satan resembles a mathematical problem that has a model answer; it is something that one has to learn to resolve similar problems. Although other problems may appear different, the idea is the same: Keep away from the whispers of Satan.
Prophet Muhammad continued the narration. He said,
"Then, we ascended to the second heaven. Jibreel (peace be upon him) demanded that the gate of heaven be opened, and he was asked who he was. He answered, 'Jibreel.' Again, he was asked, 'Who is with you?' He replied, 'Muhammad.' It was said, 'Has he been sent for?' He replied, 'He has indeed been sent for.' The gate was opened."
"When I entered, Jesus, son of Mary, and John, son of Zachariah (peace be upon them) — cousins from the maternal side, each is the son of the other's aunt — welcomed me and prayed for my well-being."
"Then, I was taken to the third heaven and Jibreel asked for the opening [of the gate]. He was asked, 'Who are you?' He replied, 'Jibreel.' He was asked, 'Who is with you?' He replied, 'Muhammad.' It was said, 'Has he been sent for?' He replied, 'He has indeed been sent for.' The gate was opened for us, and I sawYusuf (Joseph) (peace be upon him), who had been given half of [world's] beauty. He welcomed me and prayed for my well-being. Then, he ascended with us to the fourth heaven."
"Jibreel (peace be upon him) asked for the gate to be opened, and it was said, 'Who is it?' He replied, 'Jibreel.' It was said, 'Who is with you?' He said, 'Muhammad.' It was said, 'Has he been sent for?' He replied, 'He has indeed been sent for.' The gate was opened for us, and lo Enoch was there. He welcomed me and prayed for my well-being. Then, he ascended with us to the fifth heaven."
"Jibreel demanded that the gate be opened. It was said, 'Who is it?' He replied, 'Jibreel.' It was said, 'Who is with you?' He replied, 'Muhammad.' It was said, 'Has he been sent for?' He replied, 'He has indeed been sent for.' The gate was opened for us, and then I was with Aaron. He welcomed me prayed for my well-being."
"Then, I was taken to the sixth heaven. Jibreel (peace be upon him) asked for the door to be opened. It was said, 'Who is it?' He replied, 'Jibreel.' It was said, 'Who is with you?' He replied, 'Muhammad.' It was said, 'Has he been sent for?' He replied, 'He has indeed been sent for.' The gate was opened for us, and there I was with Musa (Moses) (peace be upon him). He welcomed me and prayed for my well-being."
"Then, I was taken up to the seventh heaven. Jibreel demanded that the gate be opened. It was said, 'Who is it?' He said, 'Jibreel.' It was said, 'Who is with you?' He replied, 'Muhammad.' It was said, 'Has he been sent for?' He replied, 'He has indeed been sent for.' The gate was opened for us, and there I found Abraham (peace be upon him) reclining on Al-Bayt-ul-Ma`mur [Arabic for the much-frequented fane], and there enter it 70,000 angels everyday; they never visit [this place) again." (Al-Bukhari)
But, where are the rest of the Prophets? Why didn't Prophet Muhammad meet Prophet Nuh (Noah)? The fact is that the presence of those particular Prophets in the seven heavens is symbolic.
Some prophets were ordered by Allah to construct new societies and this was what Prophet Mohammad was going to do when he immigrated to Madinah. Other prophets migrated from their homelands and returned, like Prophets Yusuf (Joseph) and Musa (Moses). In fact, this was a prediction of what Prophet Muhammad was going to do two years after immigration to Madinah.
Some other prophets were subjected to persecution, while others were even subjected to murder or attempts of murder by their people. It was as if Almighty Allah had selected a number of Prophets whose lives foreshadowed future events in the life of Prophet Muhammad.
Al-Bayt-ul-Ma`mur is a place in the seventh heaven. It is located exactly above the Ka`bah and is identical to it. We perform Tawaf (circumambulation of the Ka`bah) on earth, and right above us, the angels perform Tawaf around Al-Bayt-ul-Ma`mur. Above both of these is Allah's throne. Those who visit Makkah for Hajj or `Umrah feel this. The Ka`bah is the holiest place on earth and a point directly connected to the holiest of places ever.
But, why is Prophet Abraham reclining on the wall of Al-Bayt-ul-Ma`mur? This is because he and his son, Isma`il (Ishmael), built the Ka`bah. The rule is that one reaps the fruits of his or her labors. He is leaning on it because he labored enough in his life, and now he can rest in the hereafter.
We should labor in this life so that Almighty Allah would allow us to rest on the Day of Judgment. That is life: We want to rest, but there is no comfort in it. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal was once asked, "When does a person get to relax?" He replied, "It is the moment when he [or she] sets his [or her] foot in Paradise." There is no repose before that.
We should not let comfort be our purpose in life. We live this life to farm, learn, reform our societies, reproduce, worship Allah, help people, and take initiatives. Almighty Allah says,
[Verily, We have created man into toil and struggle.] (Al-Balad 90:4)
Thus, work, toil, and accept your destiny.
Prophet Muhammad said, "Seventy thousand angels enter into it [Al-Bayt-ul-Ma`mur] daily and, after they come out, they never return again." Can anyone imagine the number of angels? One cannot even compare the number of human beings to the number of angels. Look at this evocative hadith: Prophet Muhammad said,
"The heavens resound yearningly — worthy it is to sound yearningly and proudly — as no place in them is without an angel prostrate in adoration and worship before Almighty Allah." (Authenticated by Al-Albani)
However, Allah does not need our worship. We are the ones who need to worship Him to save ourselves from Hellfire. We need to kneel and prostrate ourselves before Him. The angels are many. Prophet Muhammad saw scores of them as he ascended through heavens. They are true worshippers who perform Prayer thoroughly. Now, can you see the kingdom of Allah? Do you understand what the Omnipotent, Almighty, Owner of the Kingdom, and Possessor of Majesty and Bounty mean?
The journey of Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj was a bounty and honor bestowed on Prophet Muhammad by Almighty Allah. It relieved his grief over the incident of At-Ta'if and the persecution of Quraish. Truly, Allah is Most Great and his kingdom is boundless.
Part One: Miraculous in Every Aspect
By `Amr Khalid
A Famous Islamic Caller
Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj (the Night Journey and Ascension) refer to the miraculous journey that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) experienced. Unlike what some people claim, that journey involved both the body and soul of the Prophet. The main proof of the fact that the body of the Prophet was involved in the journey is that Almighty Allah began the first verse of Surat Al-Israa' by the word subhan, which means exalted and glorified. This word indicates that a miraculous event is about to be mentioned in the sequel.
This journey was a decisive stage of the Prophet's call in Makkah, because there were several cases of people embracing Islam and others leaving it after this incident. Abu Bakr, the Companion of the Prophet, received his title As-Siddiq (Arabic for the very sincere) after this incident. He was the first to believe in the truthfulness of all events of this journey as narrated by the Prophet.
On that night, Jibreel came to the Prophet and told him to circumambulate the Ka`bah seven times. At the Ka`bah, Jibreel told him that he (Prophet Muhammad) was going to Al-Aqsa Mosque, wherefrom they shall both ascend the seventh heaven to meet Almighty Allah.
In fact, you should prepare yourself for that day when you shall meet Him. Will you be happy on that day? Or will you be ashamed of what you did during your life?
Almighty Allah says,
[Glory be to Him Who took His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless, in order that We might show him some of Our signs; surely, He, only He, is the Hearer, the Seer [of all things].] (Al-Israa' 17:1)
Implications of Timing and Description
The choice of timing to be at night is due to the fact that nighttime has different implications for different people. For the corrupt, it means time of committing adultery, drinking wine, and doing everything that is prohibited by Almighty Allah. For the righteous, it is the time when they feel nearest to Almighty Allah. It is the time when the soul is pure; thus, sincere believers should pray at night as much as they can. They should worship Allah and implore Him during the night.
Thus, the timing was of great significance and also were the words that Almighty Allah used to describe His Prophet: [His servant.] When Almighty Allah honors someone, He either reminds them that they are human beings or bestows upon them the blessing of remembering that they are His servants. In turn, it is the duty of the pious ones to always be humble before their Lord.
Throughout the history of all Prophets, there came moments when they were gifted with glorious victories, yet they remained humble and grateful to Almighty Allah. When Prophet Muhammad finally conquered Makkah, he entered it on his camelback with his head bowed in humility.
The same goes with Prophet Yusuf or Joseph (peace be upon him). He also kept to his humbleness and modesty when his parents and brothers kneeled before him after he suffered a long life of hardships. He implored Allah as stated in the Glorious Qur'an:
[My Lord, You have indeed given me of the sovereignty and taught me of the interpretation of events: Originator of the heavens and the earth, You are my Guardian in this world and the hereafter; make me die a Muslim and join me with the good.] (Yusuf 12:101)
Also, Prophet Sulayman or Solomon (peace be upon him) had many gifts bestowed upon him by Almighty Allah (such as understanding and communicating with all creatures), yet he kept to supplicating Almighty Allah and thanking Him:
[And [Solomon] smiled, laughing at her speech, and said, "My Lord, arouse me to be thankful for Your favor wherewith You have favored me and my parents, and to do good that shall please You, and admit me, by Your mercy, to the ranks of Your righteous servants."] (An-Naml 27:19)
Therefore, no matter how successful, famous, wealthy, or religious you are, always maintain your humility before Almighty Allah. He shall then elevate you in status even more. So, when Prophet Muhammad showed extreme humbleness before his Lord, he was raised where no one else reached.
The journey of Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj has a highly symbolic nature. After the Prophet circumambulated the Ka`bah, he found Al-Buraq, which was going to be his means of transportation during this great journey.
Anas ibn Malik narrated that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) described Al-Buraq saying,
The journey of Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj has a highly symbolic nature. After the Prophet circumambulated the Ka`bah, he found Al-Buraq, which was going to be his means of transportation during this great journey.
Anas ibn Malik narrated that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) described Al-Buraq saying,
"I was introduced to Al-Buraq, a white and long animal that is larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule. It would place its hoof at a distance equal to the range of its vision." (Muslim)
From this hadith, one can get hold of the level of faith the Prophet's Companions had. They believed in the truthfulness of this journey whose turn of events was beyond the comprehension of humans. It is important to remember that this miraculous journey took place at a time when beasts of burden were the only means of transportation. However, with whatever means of transportation the human brain can engineer, the journey will always remain a miraculous event that goes beyond human perception.
Moreover, through the creation of Al-Buraq, Almighty Allah challenges humans and reminds them of His capability and power that always surpass theirs, no matter how advanced they become in science and technology until the Day of Judgment. So, people should never boast about their power or achievements. They should always remember that their power and knowledge are incomparable to those of Allah, Almighty, All-Knowing.
Moreover, through the creation of Al-Buraq, Almighty Allah challenges humans and reminds them of His capability and power that always surpass theirs, no matter how advanced they become in science and technology until the Day of Judgment. So, people should never boast about their power or achievements. They should always remember that their power and knowledge are incomparable to those of Allah, Almighty, All-Knowing.
Fetter Your Own Buraq
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) described how Jibreel accompanied him along his journey saying, "And I set out with Jibreel" (Al- Bukhari). This refers to the importance of one's company. You should carefully choose friends who can help you in the journey of this worldly life.
The Arabic word Al-Buraq is derived from barq, which means lightning. It refers to the speed at which the creature traveled from one place to another. Likewise, only a good companion can push you forward with such speed. A few weeks before that journey, Prophet Muhammad was not able to move freely in Makkah and life was so suppressing on earth. However, during that journey, he was able to penetrate the whole universe.
When the Prophet and Jibreel reached Al-Aqsa Mosque, they landed near the wall of the mosque, whereupon the Prophet tethered the creature to a ring. This creature, Al-Buraq, had been brought to the Prophet as a means of transportation; it was not expected to run away, so why did the Prophet fetter it? This had a very important wisdom: Recommending one's soul to Almighty Allah does not mean that one should dispense with the causes or the means. Everyone should do their best to achieve their goals. Everyone must fetter their own Buraq.
Unity and Responsibility
Prophet Muhammad then entered the mosque. In the middle of the night, the mosque was expected to be void of people, yet it was amazingly full. All Prophets of Allah, starting from Adam (peace be upon him) and up until Jesus or `Isa (peace be upon him), were present. There was no place for a foot. They all came to welcome the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
Such a gathering of all Prophets in one place is a unique event. It had an important significance: unity of humans regardless of difference in time and place. At our present time, how can unity be achieved with the wars, hatred, and bloodshed we suffer all over the world? Islam calls for unity, coexistence, and dialogue of civilizations, not clash of civilizations.
Nevertheless, the presence of Allah's Prophets at the mosque had another implication. Prophet Muhammad was going to see them later during his journey in the seven heavens.
In the mosque, all the Prophets stood aligned for Prayer and waited for what Jibreel had to say. Jibreel told Prophet Muhammad to lead the Prayer, and they all prayed two rak`ahs.
As much as this incident came to honor Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), it was also a commitment: The Prophets handed over to him the banner of leadership of humankind. Accordingly, Prophet Muhammad became a witness over us, and so we became witnesses over other nations.
Do you feel that you are responsible? We, Muslims, constitute 20 percent of the world's population, yet we still learn and take from the remaining 80 percent. We stopped giving. We ceased to add to the heritage of humanity 200 years ago.
Prophet Muhammad said,
"The upper hand is better than the lower hand" (Al- Bukhari).
Therefore, there is no way for us other than the way of revival. We are responsible for this earth now.
Al-Aqsa Mosque is where the Prophets gathered, where the ascension to the seven heavens started, and where the descent took place before the Prophet returned to Makkah. The fact that Prophet Muhammad Led the Prophets in Prayer has an important significance: It is known in Islam that a man is not to be led in Prayer inside his own home, so what can one say about Prophet Muhammad's and (and thus Muslim's) responsibility toward Al-Aqsa Mosque?
Al-Aqsa Mosque is where the Prophets gathered, where the ascension to the seven heavens started, and where the descent took place before the Prophet returned to Makkah. The fact that Prophet Muhammad Led the Prophets in Prayer has an important significance: It is known in Islam that a man is not to be led in Prayer inside his own home, so what can one say about Prophet Muhammad's and (and thus Muslim's) responsibility toward Al-Aqsa Mosque?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Ming Tian Jian
Yu xia le you ting le lei liu le you gan le ni zou duo jiu duo yuan le
Wo huan zai zhe ni shuo de ni wang le ke shi wo huan ji de shou xin li
Jin wo zhao yi bu shu yu wo de qin re ai zen hui shu gei le shi jian
Wo de er bian zai ting bu jian wo yi wei yong yuan bu hui bian zui xi guan de ming tian jian
Fang shou le gai hui dao yuan dian xin hui shou shang
Ye neng fu yuan wo hui xue zhao zi ji zou chu cong qian zhu fu ming tian
Wo huan zai zhe ni shuo de ni wang le ke shi wo huan ji de shou xin li
Jin wo zhao yi bu shu yu wo de qin re ai zen hui shu gei le shi jian
Wo de er bian zai ting bu jian wo yi wei yong yuan bu hui bian zui xi guan de ming tian jian
Fang shou le gai hui dao yuan dian xin hui shou shang
Ye neng fu yuan wo hui xue zhao zi ji zou chu cong qian zhu fu ming tian
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on'
Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on'
Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa
Saturday, July 4, 2009
--->NuR TuHaN<--
Tak terucap kepiluan ini
Titik hitam yang menghijab hati
Hitung d0sa saat pergi takkan kembali
Sisa umur tidak undur lagi
Perjalanan dalam kehidupan
Bukan jauh ketentuan datang
Mungkin esok takdir takkan dapat dihalang
Untung nasib digenggaman Tuhan
Isi alam puspa warna
Bukti Tuhan Maha Kuasa
Kemanakah arah tuju
Hukum Tuhan pasti berlaku
Bukan tempat lalai leka
Didunia bakti ditempah
Tanam budi luhur budi
Di Akhirat tempat abadi
Himpun d0a dip0h0n harapan
Tempat rahmat petunjuk pimpinan
Ikhtiar usaha m0ga dengan Nur dari Tuhan
Suluh Terang jalan kebahagiaan
"Sem0ga dengan NuR dari Allah SWT menyuluh terang jalan kehidupan,InsyAllah.."
Titik hitam yang menghijab hati
Hitung d0sa saat pergi takkan kembali
Sisa umur tidak undur lagi
Perjalanan dalam kehidupan
Bukan jauh ketentuan datang
Mungkin esok takdir takkan dapat dihalang
Untung nasib digenggaman Tuhan
Isi alam puspa warna
Bukti Tuhan Maha Kuasa
Kemanakah arah tuju
Hukum Tuhan pasti berlaku
Bukan tempat lalai leka
Didunia bakti ditempah
Tanam budi luhur budi
Di Akhirat tempat abadi
Himpun d0a dip0h0n harapan
Tempat rahmat petunjuk pimpinan
Ikhtiar usaha m0ga dengan Nur dari Tuhan
Suluh Terang jalan kebahagiaan
"Sem0ga dengan NuR dari Allah SWT menyuluh terang jalan kehidupan,InsyAllah.."
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